eXternSoft GmbH - Malans, Zürich eXternSoft GmbH - Software für KMU



eXternSoft GmbH provides a list of tools for free download. They can be downloaded and used "as-is". You may distribute the available packages under the terms of the MIT License.
(eXternSoft GmbH stellt folgende Werkzeuge zum gratis Download zur Verfügung. Dieser Service ist nur in Englisch verfügbar).

Free Downloads

EBNF Tools (Perl Scripts)

This EBNF toolset creates fully linked HTML pages from your EBNF descriptions. It is implemented in Perl5 in OO-Perl style. You may provide your own visitors to manipulate the EBNF syntax tree. Since implemented in Perl, you may use it on Unix and MS-Windows platforms.